Michael Provenza live painting at Disney’s Festival of the Arts.
© Disney
Epcot International Festival of the Arts, Artist Profile: Michael Provenza
by Tiera Tanner
Oil paint, detail brushes and countless tiny dots create familiar Disney characters and scenes in the meticulous and mesmerizing art of Michael Provenza.
In his third year at the Festival of the Arts, Provenza presented his unique “Realistic Surrealism” paintings.
“I developed a distinctive pointillistic style and traditional blending techniques that create a realistic and dimensional quality, yet surreal and magical,” Provenza explained.
Surrealist elements found in Provenza’s work include whimsical stripes and paths leading through “dream-like scenery” of his imagination “capturing life’s journey…surrounded by earth’s ethereal beauty and glory.”
“My inspiration for the pieces I do is more from the classical [Disney] films and how I can make them fit in ‘my world,’” said Provenza. “My goal is to have a unique and original experience for myself and the viewer!”
Meet Michael Provenza
We were lucky to catch up with Michael Provenza recently and have shared our conversation below.
Michael, looking forward to learning from your journey. You’ve got an amazing story and before we dive into that, let’s start with an important building block. Where do you get your work ethic from?
I’ve always been a self motivator from the beginning of my artistic endeavors as a kid. I believe this was the case because of my passion for art. This carried on through school work and sports for me. I always had the drive to do my best with the things I liked doing. It made no sense to me not to put your best effort towards something.

Meet Michael Provenza – Bold Journey Magazine
Meet Michael Provenza
Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Michael Provenza. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Hi Michael, thanks for joining us today. Before we get into specifics, let’s talk about success more generally. What do you think it takes to be successful?
I believe now more than ever, being successful is all about perseverance, dedication, and continuing to master your passion! There are many obstacles and rejections, especially in the Art field. Regardless of the situation, it is key to move forward and continue to put time into your craft and get better each project at a time.

“Winds Of Change” (Silly Symphonies) 18×30 (oil on board) by Michael Provenza © Disney
Toledo City Paper
Stepping into the Light: Perrysburg Artist Michael Provenza’s Path is Illuminated
By Anne Roman – September 7, 2022
Disney Collaboration
After some in the art world mentioned to Provenza that the fantasy style and energy of his signature work would marry well with Disney characters and themes, he was encouraged to pursue, and ultimately earned in 2018, a license that sanctioned him to feature Disney in his work.
For D23, Provenza was commissioned months ago by Disney art collectors to create three of his seven original oils—Sorcerer Mickey, the Skeleton Dance from Silly Symphonies, and Mary Poppins—and they have been sold, but limited edition signed prints are expected to be available…

In Through the Outdoor, oil on board, 24″x24″ Michael Provenza © Disney
WDW Radio
Epcot International Festival of the Arts Artist Profile: Michael Provenza
By Tiera Tanner, WDW Radio Team – January 13, 2023
Happy 2023! Once again, the Epcot International Festival of the Arts kicks off a year full of engaging events at the Walt Disney World Resort. This year’s festival brings new food offerings, musical entertainment, and of course, new artwork inspired by the magical world of Disney.
Oil painter Michael Provenza showcases his creative interpretation of Disney characters and scenery in his second appearance at the Festival of the Arts.

Graveyard Symphony, oil on board, 12”x24” Michael Provenza © Disney
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